The Newbury Velo Triathlon Series 2025

What is the Newbury Velo Triathlon Series?

A key part of the Newbury Velo Triathlon Section's season is the annual Newbury Velo Triathlon Series, a highly anticipated championship that brings together the Club's most dedicated triathletes as well as novices in friendly competition. The series features multiple events throughout the racing calendar at diverse and challenging locations across the region, testing competitors' abilities in swimming, cycling, and running disciplines. Athletes earn valuable points based on their performance at each event, with consistent strong showings being crucial for overall series success.

The competitive spirit of the series draws participants from all levels of Club membership, from seasoned veterans to emerging talents, creating an exciting mix of experience and fresh enthusiasm. Each event provides unique challenges, from local sprint distances to more demanding IronMan-length courses, ensuring athletes must demonstrate versatility and endurance throughout the season. One prestigious event within the series is designated as the Club Championships, carrying extra significance and prestige for the winners.

The culmination of the triathletes' efforts throughout the series will be celebrated at the Club awards night in February 2026, where series winners across various categories will be recognised for their outstanding achievements. This celebration not only honors the top performers but also serves to strengthen the Club's community spirit and inspire members for the following season's competitions. Each year, one of the triathlons in the series will be nominated as the Newbury Velo Club Championship race. We don’t use the Newbury Triathlon itself for this, as many of our triathletes are involved in organising, planning, and marshalling the event,

2025 Series Events:

4 May: Tri Section Triathlon Series Race Series #1 Oldbury White Horse (Calne) Sprint Triathlon - Pool Swim 250m | Bike 20km | Run 5Km. Enter here

24 May: Tri Section Race Series #2 Cotswolds Lake 62 Spring Sprint Triathlon - Lake Swim 750m | Bike 42km | Run 6km. Enter here

13 Jul: Tri Section Race Series - #3 (Newbury Velo Club Championship Race) Andover Triathlon * Sprint Triathlon -Pool Swim 440m | Bike 30km | Run 8km. Enter here

17 Aug: Tri Section Race Series #4 Oxfordshire Triathlon Series - Standard Triathlon - Lake Swim 1500m | Bike 40km | Run 10km. Enter here

14 Sep: Tri Section Race Series #5 Reading Triathlon - Standard Distance -Lake Swim 1500m | Bike 40km | Run 10km. Enter here

Plus any: Half-IronMan or Middle Distance triathlon of your choice

Plus any: IronMan or Long Distance triathlon of your choice.

** Results for Middle-distance and Long-distance races will be combined and normalised to get a ranking of relative performance. We will work out a “percentage of finishing time vs age-group winner’s time” (taking sex into account also). E.g. If an age-group winner finishes an IronMan race in 10 hours, and an NV triathlete in the same age-group finishes the same IronMan race in 12 hours, NV triathlete’s percentage performance is 120%. This allows performances to be fairly compared and ranked.

 If you have any questions, email Phil Cowhig.

Newbury Velo is proud to be hosting the 2025 Newbury Triathlon

Swim - Bike -Run